The rules for board meetings determine the way in which discussions are held and ultimately the decisions that are made during the board meeting. The majority of these meetings are conducted remotely, so it is essential to establish clear guidelines for board meetings to ensure that everyone is on the same board.
The first step is to mail all members the agenda, as well as any relevant documents, such as financial reports or projections for the business. This will allow the members to fully prepare for the meeting and provide them with the information they need to make an informed decision about any topic.
During the meeting, attendees are encouraged to take part in the discussion by raising their hand before making any statements or asking questions. They should, however, be mindful of time and refrain from asking questions that have already been answered by the board pack. This will save time.
Any issues not listed on the agenda may be discussed with the permission of board meeting agenda items and protocols the Chairman and a majority of Directors at the meeting. Furthermore, any resolution will be adopted by a vote of Directors present at the meeting. In case of an equal number of votes, the Chairman will have the casting vote.
A vote is taken following a statement by the member and the chair has confirmed that there is a quorum within the room (usually at a certain percentage, according to the laws of your state). The chairman then announces that the motion “dies due to the absence of a second”. If the need for a vote arises during the meeting, it’s typically done by the chair who reiterates the motion and asks for affirmative votes first, followed by negative votes, prior to announcement of the results.